Comparison of Layout modules

Last updated on
13 October 2023

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This page details contributed layout modules. A video comparing Drupal page builders can be found on YouTube.


  • A layout system with components purchased by Acquia.


  • Gutenberg: The Wordpress layout system integrated with Drupal.

DXPR Layout Builder

  • DXPR Builder: Comprehensive Drupal page builder and set of components. Focuses on ease of use and helping content marketers create layouts with text, media, and marketing elements. Commercially supported and actively developed. Integrates with Drupal blocks, views, webforms, localization, permission and user API's, workflow module, and media library. Front-end uses twig templates to render HTML. Not intended for structured content (fields, panels) but does provide some capabilities to modify views on the front-end. Now also available on


  • GridStack: Provides integration with gridstack.js as a dynamic layout creator for both magazine layout, and static float grid layout like Bootstrap (3-4), or Foundation, with drag-and-drop. GridStack magazine layouts are exposed to field formatters and Views style plugin. Its static layouts to core Layout Builder, DS, Panelizer, Widget, etc.

Layout Builder (Core)

  • Layout Builder allows content editors and site builders to easily and quickly create visual layouts for displaying content. Users can customize how content is arranged on a single page, or across types of content, or even create custom landing pages with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface.

Layout Components

  • Layout Components: is a extension of "Layout Builder (Core)" and provides a complete package of components and new features integrated extending the user experience by creating an improved interface, much more customizable and with aspects that are essential for us, for example, providing the creation of dynamic structures without needing to edit the twigs.

Layout Paragraphs

  • Layout Paragraphs: provides an intuitive drag-and-drop experience for building flexible layouts with paragraphs. The module was designed from the ground up with paragraphs in mind, and works seamlessly with existing paragraph reference fields.


  • Pagedesigner: Module for structuring, designing and creating content for Drupal websites with a drag'n'drop interface. The whole frontend is implemented with the web builder framework GrapesJS, which provides a clear and easy-to-use graphical interface for users of all kinds.

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