Migrate process plugins

This guide describes the processing pipeline of a Drupal 8 migration.

Process plugins defined by contributed modules can be documented as part of this guide.

  • Make sure to mention which contributed module provides the plugin
  • Do not add the documentation page to this guide before the process plugin has been committed to the contributed module.

Migrate process overview

The process key of a migration describes, property-by-property, how the destination is to be constructed from the source data.

Constant values

Examples on how constant values can be defined in the migration.

List of core Migrate process plugins

List of process plugins provided by Drupal core modules.

List of process plugins provided by Migrate Plus

List of process plugins provided by the contributed Migrate Plus module.

Process plugins from contrib modules

This guide describes process plugins from contrib modules.

Writing a process plugin

Instructions and references to relevant APIs for writing your own process plugins.

Chaining Migrations using migration_lookup

A complete example of how and why to use migration_lookup

Guide maintainers

benjifisher's picture
j. ayen green's picture
masipila's picture