Grid (output format)

Last updated on
1 December 2016

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The grid style displays each row of your view within a grid. You can customize the number of columns; the default is 4 columns.

You can also choose horizontal or vertical alignment for the grid.

  • Horizontal alignment displays items starting in the upper left and moving right.
  • Vertical alignment displays items starting in the upper left and moving down.

A grid looks like this:

row 1 row 2 row 3 row 4
row 5 row 6 row 7 row 8
row 9 row 10 row 11 row 12
row 13 row 14 row 15 row 16

The above uses the horizontal alignment, where rows are added into the grid from left to right.

With a vertical alignment, rows will be placed from top to bottom, like this (your row results will appear as columns):

row 1 row 5 row 9 row 13
row 2 row 6 row 10 row 14
row 3 row 7 row 11 row 15
row 4 row 8 row 12 row 16

You can also choose to group a field from the Fields Section. This grouping field will be displayed as a header, and all rows will be displayed beneath it.

This style uses a row style to determine what each row will look like.

The Format page explains the difference between Grid format and Table format.

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