Getting started with CRM Core

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CRM Core is designed to work with the latest version of Drupal and provides several modules that control various parts of its operations. This part of the guide will take you through the installation and setup process and explain the multiple screens you will need to acquaint yourself with to understand the system.

The documents in this section will explain the basic configuration of CRM Core. There are also several install profiles available that serve as examples of a fully-configured CRM Core website. Consider starting with one of these install profiles if you are looking to avoid setting everything up yourself.

Installing CRM Core

The initial installation of CRM Core happens much the same way as it does for any other module for Drupal. Download CRM Core and its

Installing CRM Core with a Make File

Besides just downloading the modules, you can also set up CRM Core using make files.

Introduction to the Interface

From this point on, this handbook assumes CRM Core is installed and enabled, along with all of its accompanying modules and dependencies.

Introduction to the Contacts Screen

CRM Core provides an interface for managing contact records in your Drupal site. It can be accessed by clicking the Contacts link from the

Creating Your First Contact

This handbook assumes you are working with a fresh installation of CRM Core in Drupal with all associated modules installed and enabled.

Creating Your First Activity

Activities in CRM Core are a record of interaction with a contact. Conceptually, they are meant to record the interaction between people and

Creating Your First Relationship

CRM Core stores relationships between contacts via the relations module. There is always a subject -> object relationship enforced between

The Other Stuff...

CRM Core ships with a number of other options that are not related to just administering contacts. This page provides an overview of what

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