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Brightcove 7.x-5.x

Drupal 7 will no longer be supported after January 5, 2025. Learn more and find resources for Drupal 7 sites

This guide contains documentation for the unsupported 7.x-5.x version of the Brightcove Video Connect module for Drupal 7.

Adding a Brightcove video field

After installing and configuring the module, you can add a field of type "Brightcove Video" to your content types. This field can support

Brightcove Video

What is Brightcove?

Brightcove Views integration

Both the Drupal 6 and 7 version of the module has Views integration. If you have Views and the Brightcove modules installed, you will see

Brightcove configuration

You can find all the settings at the following place:

Getting API keys and player information

Brightcove API keys

Installation guide

Installation guide for Brightcove Video Connect (unsupported versions) 7.x-5.x and 6.x

Installing the Brightcove PHP MAPI Wrapper

The PHP MAPI Wrapper is a PHP SDK that integrates with the Brightcove Media API. It's essential for both the Brightcove and the Brightcove

Migrating Brightcove from D6 to D7

There are differences between the fields available in Drupal 6 and 7. The metadata fields became formatters. To know how to deal with that

Setting up a content type to use Brightcove with the Media module

To be able to use the Media module with Brightcove videos, you'll need to do the following:

Theming Brightcove fields in Drupal 6

All fields have their own template files that you can use to change their output. The files are based on the formatter used:

Updating the Brightcove integration module to version 5 (only for Drupal 7!)

Please note that you should only do the following steps if you are using an older version(under 5.0) of the Brightcove module for Drupal 7,

Using Brightcove with Media integration

If you've followed the guide for setting up the content type for Brightcove Media integration, you can use the Media module to browse and

Using different players

With the Brightcove module it's possible to use different Brightcove players for different videos. It can be useful if you're working with

Guide maintainers

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