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Node Reference formatters provides four additional display styles (formatters) for Node Reference CCK field.

Check this demo screencast

Standard Drupal collapsible fieldset where legend is referenced node title and value is node content in chosen format.
AHAH link
Button with #ahah property and value of referenced node title. When user clicks on it referenced node is called dynamically via AHAH callback which is in Drupal core.
jQuery clueTip
Utilizes jQuery clueTip plugin, nice dynamic (ajax) content loading in a tooltip when user hovers mouse on the link.
Loads referred content into thickbox, requires this module installed.

jQuery clueTip plugin must be separately downloaded here:
Note that clueTip requires jQuery dimensions plugin and optionally integrates with jQuery hoverIntent plugin but they're both shipped along in the same archive. Once you download clueTip you can put it wherever but you have to define it's path on the Node Reference formatters settings (admin/settings/nodereference_formatters'). Default path sites/all/plugins/jquery.cluetip/jquery.cluetip.js is recommended as from this location you can easily use it for all other possible needs and for multi-site installations. jQuery clueTip plugin has many options and it's quite easy to configure. For more information, demo and API check this page:
For more details about setup and installation see README.txt file.

Administrators may define those three styles on Display fields tab for particular Node Reference field.
Additionally each of three styles has options for displaying: Full node, Teaser or Custom. Custom style is provided as an extra option for themers and is supposed to be overridden in template.php file, therefore node object is available in appropriate functions which are: theme_nodereference_formatters_fieldset_custom($element), theme_nodereference_formatters_ahah_custom($element), theme_nodereference_formatters_cluetip_custom($element).

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