Drupal 7 roadmap and release schedule

Last updated on
6 March 2024

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Drupal 7 has a separate roadmap to subsequent branches. However, the release schedule generally keeps in sync with D9+.

D7 roadmap

We do not expect to add (or remove) any modules, themes or significant sub-systems to/from D7.

API changes will be kept to an absolute minimum, and any which threaten backwards compatibility are unlikely to be accepted.

The priority is stability. At the same time D7 needs to remain compatible with up-to-date technology - especially PHP and MySQL.

Drupal 7.x follows the published core backport policy.

Drupal 7 will reach its end of life on January 5, 2025. There will be no further extensions.

EoL will mean the end of support provided by the Drupal Association on Drupal.org, and the Drupal Security Team.

D7 release schedule

The 7.x branch follows the same bugfix and security release windows as the rest of core.

We broadly aim to release a new D7 version every 6 months, following the release schedule of D10+.

Current development cycle along with some other relevant dates:

  • 2022-12-07 - maintenance release: Drupal 7.93
  • 2023-06-07 - maintenance release of Drupal 7.98
  • 2023-12-06 - maintenance release of Drupal 7.99
  • 2024-03-06 - maintenance release of Drupal 7.100
  • 2024-06-05 - maintenance release of Drupal (meta issue)


  • We cannot predict release numbers for the 7.x branch as security releases may increment the version number.
  • All project dates are subject to change, especially those more than a year in the future.

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