26 Aug 2022 at 03:00 UTC to 27 Aug 2022 at 03:00 UTC
Event type: 
Event format: 

# Join Us!

Join us for the second Drupal 10 Global Porting Day! We will be focused on porting Drupal 9 projects (modules and themes) so they are compatible with Drupal 10. This is a 24 hour global event that covers all time zones.

We are looking for:

  • Mentors
  • Promoters
  • Participants (maintainers, programmers, testers, project managers)

You do *not* need experience porting projects (modules/themes) in order to contribute at this event. If you have any experience with creating modules or themes, then don't hesitate to become involved :)

Join the #contribution-events Drupal Slack channel for more information.

# Come prepared

We strongly encourage all participants to come prepared to save theirs and mentors time on basic preparation tasks. The recommendation is to have 2 development environments ready before the event starts:

  • Development environment with Drupal 10 installed
  • Development environment with Drupal 9 installed

For non-developers / testers we suggest to use cloud-based environment DrupalPod which does not require installation on local machine. For beginner developers we suggest starting with DDEV as a local development environment. For all others - use any development environment at your choice.

# Slack channels

Not in Slack yet? Join Drupal community.

We will primarily collaborate in Slack in the #d10readiness and #contribution-events Drupal Slack channels. The #d10readiness channel will be used when working on specific projects (modules/themes) if you are stuck or need help with porting. The #contribution-events channel will be used for general questions about contribution.

# Documentation

We have documentation for this event. If you have additional documentation on porting modules and themes from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10, we welcome your contribution. Pop into the #contribution-events Slack channel and let us know.

# Time windows covered by mentors

Everyone is welcome to join the event at any time of their preference on the day of 26th of August. However, we have certain time windows covered by mentors who will be providing help in the #d10readiness and #contribution-events Drupal Slack channels. Time windows covered by signed up mentors (and their Slack handles):

  • 9am - 3pm CET (@kalabro)
  • 9am - 5pm CET (@gambry)
  • 12pm - 4pm CET (@Alexey Murz Korepov)
  • 9am - 12pm; 1pm - 4pm; 8pm - 10pm CET (@Björn Brala (bbrala))
  • 5pm - 10pm CET (@svenbergryen)
  • 7pm - 9pm UTC (@Fathima Asmat)
  • 9am - 10am; 3pm - 4pm; 6pm - 7pm India (@ravimane)
  • 3pm - 5pm India (@Immaculate Xavier)
  • 1pm - 4pm Pacific USA (@Kristen Pol)

You are welcome to use https://www.worldtimebuddy.com to convert the timezones to the ones more familiar to you.

Note that covered time windows get extended as more mentors join the event.

# Tagging & Social media

Please use #Drupal10PortingDay (note the case) on Twitter and other social media. Image can be found here. For issue tags, use Drupal 10 porting day (note the case) AND Drupal 10 compatibility (if not already tagged). We will tag any issues we work on during the event. Note: You can see the issues being worked on for the event on the Kanban board or by checking the issue queue for issues tagged with Drupal 10 porting day.

# Mentor information

Sign Up as Mentor (yay!)


It is assumed that you have worked on custom and/or contributed Drupal modules and/or themes before as a developer and that you understand how to use development tools including composer. It is also useful to know the Drupal issue workflow. We will have detailed documentation on the porting process, so you don't have to know all the steps. Although not mandatory, it would be helpful if you have done Drupal upgrades/porting before.


  1. (required) At minimum, mentors are expected to monitor the #d10readiness Slack channel for questions and requests for help during their time slots. Questions may include: what module/theme to choose, what issue and patch to use, how to update a patch/MR, how to set up a local environment, how to review, how to test, etc. It is not expected that you will know all of the answers. We will have documentation that will cover a lot of things, so you are there to guide people to the right place if possible. If you don't know the answer and it's not in the documentation, that is okay. We are trying to have multiple mentors available during each time slot so there is more help. There will also be non-mentors in the Slack channel that may end up helping with questions as well.
  2. (desired) Ideally, mentors would be comfortable jumping into calls if requested by a participant or it just feels that it will be faster this way. We recommend using Slack's Huddle feature for it (it allows voice + screen sharing). To invite someone into Huddle you need to click on their nickname and hit Huddle button. Please, make sure it's not a channel global huddle but a private one between people who have to be involved.
  3. (optional) Process questions should happen in the #contribution-events Slack channel and can be mostly covered by Ev Maslovskiy (@spleshka) or Kate Marshalkina (@kalabro) during working UTC hours, but if mentors can also keep an eye on this channel during their time slots and answer questions if they are not answered in a timely manner, that would be helpful.

# Image credit

Thanks to Aaron Deutsch for the banner for this event!

If you use this banner for promotion on a web page, please at minimum credit the use back to this page. Something like:

Image Credit: This image is from the Contribution Events Initiative's Drupal 10 Global Porting Day.

If you use it in social media where there is limited characters allowed, you can add the information into the Alt Text instead so you free up space for your message.

Thanks :)

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