About Us

Event Organizer Working Group logoThe Event Organizers Working Group (EOWG) is concerned with supporting community-led events within the Drupal community. These include camps, summits, training days, contribution days, and meetups. While the material we produce will be open and accessible to anyone (just as much of our best practices have come from other communities), we intend to focus on producing documentation and services to support and promote community-led events.

Here you find a session from DrupalCon Global 2020 about the Event Organizers Working Group.

Our Mission

The Event Organizers Working Group supports community-led teams to grow Drupal through local events.

Purpose. Why Us?

The Drupal community continues to be one of our most valuable assets, and growing and maintaining this community is essential to the project's continued success. For many people, events play an integral role in nurturing their first in-person encounter within the community. With hundreds of events being hosted worldwide by countless volunteers, our aim is to establish connections between these leaders.

Our Goals

  • Provide a repository of resources to help plan a Drupal event
  • Establish a community of organizers where knowledge sharing is encouraged
  • Create a centralized place to market all of our events to the Drupal community
  • Advocate for supported tools required to organize events
  • Highlight the individuals who volunteer to produce these events


Anyone involved in organizing an existing or future community event is welcome to participate in Event Organizer Working Group monthly meetings and contribute to initiatives as directed by the Board.

We ask that participants' events be publicly listed on Drupal.org Community Events.

Involvement in meetings and initiatives will be recognized with credits on the Event Organizers issue queue.

How Can I Get Involved?


The event organizers' working group is an official group that is recognized and reports to the Drupal Association. The EOWG has its own board of directors that meet regularly to help guide the EOWG's strategic initiatives.

Current Board Members

  • Avi Schwab, President (froboy) - MidCamp, Midwest Open Source Alliance - Chicago, IL, USA
  • Leslie Glynn, Vice President (leslieg) - Design 4 Drupal Boston, NEDCamp - Boston, MA, USA
  • Sean Walsh, Secretary (seantwalsh) - DrupalCamp NJ - Eatontown, NJ, USA
  • John Picozzi (johnpicozzi) - New England Drupal Camp (NEDCamp) - RI, USA
  • Bert Boerland (bertboerland) - drupaljam.nl and splashawards.nl - Netherlands
  • Suchi Garg (gargsuchi) - Drupal Melbourne meetup - Melbourne, Australia
  • Mike Richardson (richo_au) - DrupalSouth Treasurer and DrupalAsia Steering Committee chair

Advisory Committee

  • Matthew Saunders (MatthewS) - Drupalcamp Colorado - Denver, CO, USA
  • Mike Miles (mikemiles86) - New England Drupal Camp organizer and Boston Drupal Meetup group lead
  • Nico Grienaur (Grienaur) - DrupalAT Board Member, DrupalCamp Vienna, DrupalCon Vienna 2017, Splash Awards AT, Drupal Developer Days 2023, Drupical - Vienna, Austria
  • Kristen Pol (Kristen Pol) - Drupal Contribution - Santa Cruz, CA, USA
  • Salim Lakhani (salimlakhani) - Drupalcamp Colorado, Florida Drupal Camp - Denver, CO, USA

Previous Board Members

  • Kaleem Clarkson, President 2019-2021 (kclarkson) -DrupalCamp Atlanta - Atlanta, GA, USA
  • Baddý Sonja Breidert (baddysonja) - DrupalCamp Iceland, Germany, Europe, Splash Awards - Europe
  • Suzanne Dergacheva (pixelite) - DrupalNorth - Montreal, QC CANADA
  • Andrii Podanenko (podarok) - DrupalCamp Kiev - Ukraine, Europe
  • Surabhi Gokte (surabhi-gokte) - Drupalcamp India - India
  • Lenny Moskalyk (Lenny Moskalyk) - DrupalCamp Kyiv - Ukraine
  • Matthew Saunders (MatthewS) - Drupalcamp Colorado - Denver, CO, USA

Notable Blogs

Here are some posts that helped facilitate this effort.