Find issues and tasks within issues that would be appropriate for new contributors attending a mentored contribution event. Add the Novice tag to the issues, and make sure the novice-accessible tasks are listed in the issue summary.
Skills required: 
Detailed steps: 
  1. Set up prerequisites: Log in from Common Prerequisites for Contributors.
  2. Find out from the event organizers what the priorities for the contribution event are, and which project or projects will be worked on (such as Drupal Core, the User Guide, or particular contributed modules).
  3. Locate the issue queue for the project.
  4. Locate an issue that might include tasks that would be appropriate for new contributors.
    • Category to search for: Start with Task issues. Then continue with Bug report issues.
    • Tags that could be useful to search for: Start with issues that are already tagged Novice, and see if they still should be and have proper task documentation (see below). Then search for new issues to add the Novice tag to, which could have one of these tags: Needs change record, Needs documentation, Needs issue summary update, Needs manual testing, Needs reroll, Needs screenshots.
  5. Verify that the issue has at least one task that would be appropriate for new contributors. See the "What makes a good novice task" in Setting up for new contributors for guidance.
  6. If the issue has no good novice tasks in it and it was previously tagged as Novice, remove the Novice tag and add a comment like this:
    I am removing the Novice tag from this issue because [why]
    I’m using this documentation as a source: https://www.drupal.org/community/contributor-guide/task/triage-novice-issues-and-tasks 

    Return to step 3 to continue searching.

  7. If the issue has good novice tags in it, add the "Novice" tag to the issue, and any other special "Needs..." tags as appropriate. Also review the existing "Needs..." tags and remove any that no longer apply. If the contribution event has its own issue tag, also add that tag.

  8. Add the "Remaining tasks" section to the issue summary, under "Remaining tasks" -- an HTML table of possible tasks, with most commented out.
  9. Un-comment and add lines as appropriate, adjust descriptions, and provide details. Add or delete Novice in the "Novice?" column as appropriate. If the task has been written up as a contributor task, link to the task writeup.
  10. Update the issue summary to make it clearer, if appropriate (although consider that "Update the issues summary" is often a good novice contributor task).
  11. Add a comment like this to the issue, and save the issue.
    I performed Novice Triage on this issue. I am leaving the Novice tag on this issue because [why]
  12. Return to searching, if you have time, to find more novice tasks.