Strand of Silk is an e-commerce site that sells Indian Designer clothing. The site uses multiple currencies and multiple languages, with variations for products for sizes and colours.

The website required an integration of commerce and content, such that content generated by the site owners and possibly by the user base can be easily linked to the products on the website.

Strand of Silk - Indian Designer Fashion - Home Page
Why Drupal was chosen: 

Drupal's scalability and community support was one of the main reasons for selecting the CMS. Various other e-commerce only solutions were evaluated, but Drupal was selected because of the ability to easily combine e-commerce and content - a trend that was seen as the de-facto requirement in the near future for e-commerce sites.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

The goal of the project was to have an e-commerce system that can be easily managed by the client's non-technical team for creating products, adding content and even making smaller changes. The process adopted was one that favoured standard modules for most of the functionality, so that future development work is reduced, and keeping the user interface very simple (standard Drupal in a lot of cases).

The end-user team has changed over the years, but it has been very easily for all the new team members to get up to speed with the system and processes used in a short amount of time. In addition, there are various external companies and individuals who contribute content to the website and they have all been provided individual access and rights to create content directly on the website.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

Drupal Commerce was selected as the distribution because of functionality related to multi-currency and multi-lingual support. The distribution has a lot of other standard modules that were useful to get us off the ground very quickly. However, the distribution also comes loaded with a lot of modules that had to be subsequently removed to make the site lighter.

CDN, AdvAgg, 403 to 404 and Fast 404: These modules specifically were used to improve the performance of the site.

Mollon, Honeypot: The combination of these modules was great to stop spam on the site. At some point of time, there were 300+ spam account registrations on the site each day. This combination has almost eliminated all the spam.

Elysia Cron: Lighter than standard cron and helped us to distribute and plan the cron tasks as per the requirement rather than over-loading the system by running full cron each time.

Easy Breadcrumb: very good for user navigation and also for SEO.

Community contributions: 
Organizations involved: 
Team members: 
Customisation Options for Indian Brides on
Indian Designer Accessories Landing Page
Beauty and Fashion
Retail and Distribution
Small business