According to the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, Canada continues to be one of the most ‘wired’ countries in the world, averaging about 2,300 page visits per month. With nearly 87 per cent of Canadian households connected to the Internet, Canada ranks 16th globally in terms of Internet penetration in 2013. Among its G8 counterparts, Canada ranks second in Internet penetration, behind the United Kingdom.

So clearly, an internet presence is critical but it also has to be effective. As online visitors have gone up, so have their expectations. Time and patience appear to be in short supply. CAA, like most organizations, understood that most online visitors devote about 15 seconds to a site and leave very quickly if they don’t immediately find what they need. To get to the real content, CAA North and East Ontario online visitors needed to get below the fold. That needed change so the most sought-after information could be immediately accessed.

CAA North and East Ontario
Why Drupal was chosen: 

Drupal was chosen for its functionality and customizability.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

OPIN restructured the website’s content and design to ensure that it remained visually appealing but also performed well, providing key information and content where it could be easily accessed. OPIN reordered elements on the page and made better use of spacing to ensure that key elements were visible to users without having to scroll down below the fold.

Effective web design does not just appeal to the eye, it immediately responds to the visitors requirements while advancing core objectives. With that in mind, OPIN highlighted the content carousel and focused on the three main calls to action, which revolved around joining CAA, saving on insurance and downloading the CAA Roadside App. For its major raison d’être - requests for roadside assistance - OPIN positioned the block to immediately provide contact info and wait times to anyone requiring them.

Technical specifications

Drupal version: 
Drupal 7.x
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 


Organizations involved: 