In a previous blog post, I wrote that Dries asked for help in continuing the development of the Values & Principles and that a Values & Principles Committee will be formed to facilitate this. Well, we are at the point where we can explain how the committee will be formed, its purpose and how it will achieve its goals.


The Values & Principles Committee will exist to focus on specific Values & Principles to see where continual improvements can be made and to propose those to the Project Lead for approval. For example, in meetings at DrupalCon Nashville, Dries expressed a desire to focus on Principle 8: “Every person is welcome; every behavior is not” because it is both critically important, in need of work, and requires more input.


To learn more about how the Values and Principle Committee will work, please read the charter, which is attached.

We have been giving thought to how we can facilitate a better, more open, process for appointing members to this Committee and we have come up with the following:

We will be posting role descriptions for the volunteer committee roles on The Values & Principles Committee Member voluntary role description will describe the:

  • Expectations of the role

  • The specific jobs the role will require

  • An indication of the time commitment of the role

  • The attributes that would be expected of a successful candidate

  • How to apply

The Committee Member role will be advertised from today until 14 August 2018 at and then I will take the applications to Dries Buytaert and Megan Sanicki to select candidates based on the membership requirements outlined in the charter and role description.

This work matters to them personally and through their roles:  Dries as Drupal Project Lead and Megan as Drupal Association Executive Director. In addition to their different experiences and perspectives, they bring a wealth of experience in enterprise leadership, organizational culture and community building.  They hope to assemble a group that is inspired by this work, diverse, and representative of the values and principles we hope to inspire in the community. After the initial membership is selected, the membership will help recruit new members going forward.

Once the committee is selected, it can then begin work, in consultation with subject matter experts, on updating the values and principles.

My call to action for you is to consider whether volunteering as a Member of this Values & Principles Committee is a way that you can contribute to the Drupal Community and, if so, to submit your application.

I’m really keen to ensure that the Values & Principles Committee has membership from many places, with a diverse background and representing many a wide understanding of what makes Drupal - Drupal. It is even baked into the Values & Principles Committee Charter, attached.

File attachments: 


rachel_norfolk’s picture

As a note, I have updated the attached Charter document a little to explicitly enumerate the various underrepresented groups we are wanting to ensure we can see as members of the committee. See issue at

rachel_norfolk’s picture

A number of people have been asking about the line in the role description that says 

Should have demonstrable skills in Project Management

To be clear, we are looking for a number of members of the Values & Principles Committee with a range of skills. I used the MoSCoW priority ordering to show those attributes that are required by all applicants and those which are not necessarily required but still desirable.  

Must == Everyone

Should ==  at least someone

I’m determined that this committee will not be “unfairly steered by leadership” and, as such, I want the chair to be a member from the community, not from an already-established group like the Drupal Association or the Community Working Group. To do that effectively, we need to ensure there is somebody with the attributes necessary selected.