We want to know more about the Drupal community’s take on sustaining Open Source contributions and building strong communities. This 16-question survey focuses on what motivates contributors, the best ways to incentivize them, and the balance between corporate and individual contributors. 

Why are we doing this

Open Source sustainability is one of the biggest issues facing communities today. As one of the largest and most vibrant Open Source communities, we have the opportunity to learn from our contributors and be leaders for other Open Source communities who may be asking the same questions.

Survey partnership and usage

The survey is being conducted by the Drupal Association and Acquia. Neither the Drupal Association nor Acquia will use personal information from the survey for direct marketing. Results will be anonymized and aggregated into a report, which will be shared publicly. 

The Drupal Association may use survey feedback to make improvements to the Credit System or other initiatives for its contributors. 

Open Data

We want this data to be available for any organization or Open Source community to use and learn from. We will be providing a link to the raw data collected for the report, which can be re-used with the citation: “2020 Drupal Association and Acquia Open Source Sustainability Survey.” 

Thank you 

Thank you for taking time to participate. If you have any questions about this survey or how the information collected will be used, please don’t hesitate to add your comments below.

Take the Survey


alison’s picture

Unsolicited feedback:

  1. I would've liked to have a freeform comments field.
  2. I don't remember for sure (already hit "Submit"), but I think there should've been some attention to non-profit orgs/partners who could contribute -- like, for this question, "Do you think for-profit users of Open Source software should be rewarded for their contributions (e.g. by providing them more visibility and advertising opportunities)?" -- I don't dislike this concept, but I think non-profit orgs should be included, too (one of our sponsors at Drupal GovCon this year was a University of Maryland entity; my own university employer doesn't support me doing contributions "on the clock" atm, but I could imagine them being open to it if they could gain some visibility/status/etc).
  3. Also, I think there was only one super brief mention of contribution technology or process (I think "latest tech" was a choice on a question, that's it).
  4. Lastly, it felt pretty weird there weren't any questions about the environment of the contribution community -- how "welcoming" it is/isn't, inclusiveness, demographic makeup of contribution community, availability of mentors and other helpers, etc.

Thanks again for the survey!