
This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

A module wrapper integrating Loft Data Grids with Drupal.

You probably only need this module if another module requires it.

Requires PHP >= 5.3

Drupal 8 Version Installation

Loft Data Grids must be installed via Composer, in order to get the required libraries. The tarballs are provided for informative purposes only.

  1. In a shell window, go to the root of Drupal
  2. Tell composer where to find the module by adding the drupal repository:

    composer config repositories.drupal composer https://packages.drupal.org/8
  3. Now that composer knows where to find it, require this module (still from the drupal root directory):

    composer require drupal/loft_data_grids
  4. Now go to Administer > Site Building > Modules and enable this module.

Module updates

To update this module, use composer, e.g. the following in a shell:

composer update aklump/loft_data_grids --with-dependencies
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
