
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Parse non-standard XML and create blocks. This module is available for Drupal 5; see below for information on later versions.

This module's functionality has been replaced by other modules in later versions of Drupal (see below).

Drupal 6

XML Parser provides similar functionality for Drupal 6; please check out that module if you are looking for a module which parses non-standard XML.

Drupal 7

I do not intend to release a Drupal 7 version of this module. Not only would it require an entire rewrite, but Feeds + XPath is likely flexible enough to achieve the same thing.


Feedme is an XML parsing module for Drupal 5. Unlike Aggregator or other RSS/ATOM feed parsers, this module is for custom (non-standard) XML files instead of RSS. Although it can be used to parse RSS or ATOM feeds, there are other modules which do a better job of that.

Version 1.x is the current stable release for Drupal 5. Be sure to read the README.txt file and see the example XML file included with this module for more information.

This module was originally written to parse non-standard XML for Word Records which contained their artist tour information, and then use it in various blocks. It is being used with permission.

Project information
