Using Git to Contribute to Drupal

Once you have set up Git, you can use Git to contribute to the Drupal project, by:

  • Contributing patches or pull requests
  • Reviewing patches and pull requests
  • Maintaining a project (making commits, branching/tagging, making releases)

Cloning a Module's project Git repository

How to get/update a local copy of the Git repository for a contributed module, theme, or distribution

Using live previews on Drupal Core and contrib merge requests core and contrib issues now have a built in live deployment preview feature, to easily allow testing of merge requests.

Merge request guidelines

General guidelines for merge requests, including scope, standards & testing

Working with patches

How to work with patches on

Setting proper file permissions before committing files

File read/write/execute permissions to use for Drupal project files

Making maintainer-friendly "git am" single and multi-patches

How to make patches that include committer information and/or multiple commits

Using git blame

How to use Git's blame command to determine when a change was made

Using a Sandbox project to collaborate

How to use a Sandbox project on as a means for a group to collaborate on a major software change
