For the D7 documentation see

  1. System Name and [title]
  2. Widget Type [type]
  3. Widget Description [description]
  4. Widget Options [options]
    1. Singular
    2. Multiple
  5. Selectively restricting styles to de-clutter the UI using the [features] option:
  6. Adding Javascript and CSS files to Skins
  7. Advanced Options
    1. Applying additional CSS classes
    2. Using custom template files (WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL)
  8. Inheriting Skinr styles from a base theme
  9. Disabling skins inherited from a parent theme
  10. Making Skinr work with your theme.
    1. Adding the $skinr variable
    2. Template files needed in your theme
  11. Some very simple examples

A skin is defined in your theme's .info file, in the same way that you use that file to define regions or stylesheets. Each line of your skin definitions begins with the prefix skinr. This allows Drupal and Skinr to easily identify and access information about your skins.

System Name and [title]

  1. Start with a skin name which will be used as the system name. You can name a skin whatever you want. The system name will be used to store information about your skin, including where that skin is applied throughout Drupal. It will not show up in the UI or in any markup. skinr[skin_system_name] will be used to prefix all information about a given skin in your .info file.
  2. Next give the Skin a title. This title will be the name of the Skin and will appear in the UI as the form element label, so it should be descriptive of what the Skin is/does.
  skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Title

Widget Type [type]

There are 3 different options for displaying your Skinr styles in the UI. These **types** correspond to Drupal's Form API widgets. They were created to allow you to better present your skins in the UI and to allow fine-grained control over the options you provide.

  1. checkboxes: Can be used for single or multiple options. Do not use "checkbox" as it will not work.
  2. select: Good for presenting many options when only one can be selected. Note: Multiple selects are not supported. Checkboxes should be used instead.
  3. radios: Can be used for single options.


  skinr[skin_system_name][type] = checkboxes
  skinr[skin_system_name][type] = radios
  skinr[skin_system_name][type] = select

Note: Skinr applies checkboxes by default so it's not necessary to specify if that's what you want to use.

Widget Description [description]

skinr[skin_system_name][description] = This should be a description of my Skin. It will show in the UI just as regular form item descriptions do. It can contain <acronym title="Extensible HyperText Markup Language">XHTML</acronym>, so feel free to be creative, but don't go too crazy.

Widget Options [options]

Note: Skinr will include a <none> option for each so they can be unselected by default so there is no need to include a none option here.


For skins where only one option should be chosen by the user, the syntax would be as follows:

  • If you want to display it in a checkboxes widget:
          skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Title
          skinr[skin_system_name][description] = Description
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Skin option label
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = skin-option-class

    Note: [type] is not specified in the above example since it is the default provided by Skinr.

  • If you want to display it in a radio widget:
          skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Title
          skinr[skin_system_name][type] = radios
          skinr[skin_system_name][description] = Description
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Skin option label
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = skin-option-class


For skins where multiple options can be selected, the syntax would be as follows:

  • If you want to display it in a checkboxes widget:
          skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Title
          skinr[skin_system_name][description] = Description
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Skin option label 1
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = skin-option-class-1
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][label] = Skin option label 2
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][class] = skin-option-class-2

    Note: [type] is not specified in the above example since it is the default provided by Skinr.

  • If you want to display it in a select widget:
          skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Title
          skinr[skin_system_name][type] = select
          skinr[skin_system_name][description] = Description
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Skin option label
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = skin-option-class
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][label] = Skin option label 2
          skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][class] = skin-option-class-2

Selectively restricting styles to de-clutter the UI using the [features] option

By default Skinr will assume that your styles can be used anywhere Skinr is available on your site through any supported Drupal feature, i.e. nodes, blocks, etc. If you want to reduce UI clutter and improve the UX you can specify hooks/feature names where your skins should appear within Drupal. [features] do NOT need to be specified. If nothing is specified in your skin it will appear everywhere by default. The feature name is the equivalent of the Drupal hook, and may only contain underscores. Some example hooks:

  skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = block
  skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = panels_pane
  skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = node
  skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = comment_wrapper
  skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = views_view

Example Use Case: You need to implement 2 designs for menu lists and the structure is mainly the same, but there are 2 different color options. Your style only includes CSS for menus. You know that Drupal only outputs menus through blocks and panel panes, so you don't want show the style in the skin in views, node types or comments. One way you could do that is:

  1. Create the structural CSS in .menu-style
  2. Handle each color option in separate classes as extensions of .menu-style, i.e. .menu-white, .menu-black
  3. Implement it with Skinr as follows:
        skinr[menu_style][title] = Menu Styles
        skinr[menu_style][type] = select
        skinr[menu_style][description] = Choose either black or white. This style can be used on menus and uniform lists.
        skinr[menu_style][features][] = block
        skinr[menu_style][features][] = panels_pane
        skinr[menu_style][options][1][label] = White
        skinr[menu_style][options][1][class] = menu-style menu-white
        skinr[menu_style][options][2][label] = Black
        skinr[menu_style][options][2][class] = menu-style menu-black

The [features] as specified above tell Skinr that the [menu_style] skin should only be shown in Drupal's UI if the user is editing either a block or a panel pane.

Adding Javascript and CSS files to Skins

The latest version of Skinr supports the option to associate CSS and Javascript files with a given skin. This new feature allows you to basically package any skin as a fully functional snippet of code. It also aids you with selectively load JS/CSS where necessary. To extend upon the above menu example in #5, lets say that the menu is a drop-down menu and requires some Javascript to properly function, as well as some external CSS files. Let's also say you also want to support a vertical and horizontal option.

  skinr[menu_style][title] = Menu Styles
  skinr[menu_style][type] = select
  skinr[menu_style][description] = Choose either black or white, vertical or horizontal. This style can be used on menus and uniform lists.
  skinr[menu_style][features][] = block
  skinr[menu_style][features][] = panels_pane
  skinr[menu_style][scripts][] = dropdown.js
  skinr[menu_style][stylesheets][all][] = dropdown.css
  skinr[menu_style][options][1][label] = Horizontal White
  skinr[menu_style][options][1][class] = menu-style menu-horizontal menu-white
  skinr[menu_style][options][2][label] = Horizontal Black
  skinr[menu_style][options][2][class] = menu-style menu-horizontal menu-black
  skinr[menu_style][options][3][label] = Vertical White
  skinr[menu_style][options][3][class] = menu-style menu-vertical menu-white
  skinr[menu_style][options][4][label] = Vertical Black
  skinr[menu_style][options][4][class] = menu-style menu-vertical menu-black

Advanced Options

Applying additional CSS classes

In addition to defining CSS classes in the .info file, you can also add classes directly into the UI. Under "Advanced Options" there is a text field where you can add a class or classes manually. Do not include "." in here. Syntax for adding classes here is:

  1. One Class:
  2. Multiple Classes (separated by spaces):
    my-first-class my-second-class

Using custom template files WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL

WARNING: This feature is still in experimental stages, therefore it should NOT be used on live sites. There are still issues with it that need to be worked out, and in general it will NOT be supported at the moment. Please do not report and issues on this unless they include patches or serious ideas about a way forward for this.

At the moment, templates can be associated with a Skin, or just on their own:

  skinr[rounded_corners][templates][] = rounded-corners-block
  skinr[rounded_corners][templates][] = rounded-corners-node

However, associating a template with a Skin doesn't automatically mean that file will be used. It needs to be selected manually in the UI.

Also, since there are different variables and template file structures available per hook, it's necessary to provide template files for each type; hence, the -block, -node suffix. This is required, and will automatically filter out the template files that do no apply based on the -hook suffix. While this can still be incredibly useful as is, it's obviously not ideal. An implementation such as rounded corners would probably be better served as some type of wrapper template (like comment-wrapper does today). Ideas and patches to solve this issue are more than welcome.

Some creative uses for template files could include:

  skinr[extras][templates][] = minimal-block
  skinr[extras][templates][] = blank-block

By not specifying the regular widget options, like [title] and [description] for Skins, the widget is conveniently hidden in the UI, but the template still exists under advanced options. So, if you have a case where you don't need the extra markup like the block title and <div class="content">, you can switch the template file to use minimal-block.tpl.php and with the below in your template markup you'll only get the $skinr class and the block content.

In the above example, minimal-block.tpl.php could contain the following markup:

<div class="<?php print $skinr; ?>">
  <?php print $block->content; ?>

You could also specify a blank-block.tpl.php, which could contain only the content:

<?php print $block->content; ?>

Both of these examples are useful for cases where you might otherwise be creating multiple template files for custom blocks just to remove markup, which can get unruly. In this case you can just assign the appropriate template file and be done with it, while keeping the number of template files in your theme manageable.

Inheriting Skinr styles from a base theme

If you are creating a subtheme and the base theme you are using contains it's own Skinr styles, Skinr allows you to choose whether or not you want your subtheme to inherit those skins or not. By default Skinr will NOT inherit skins. If you want to be able to use a base theme's skins, you will need to add this line to your .info file.

skinr[options][inherit_skins] = true

Disabling skins inherited from a parent theme

Adding skinr[options][inherit_skins] = true will allow you to inherit skins from the base theme you are using. If you want to disable certain skins from a parent theme in your subtheme, you may do so by listing each skin followed by an empty string:

skinr[skin_name_a] = ""
skinr[skin_name_b] = ""

Making Skinr work with your theme

Skinr creates a variable containing your skins class that you need to print inside your template files. Thankfully this will not be necessary in Drupal 7, but for now you'll need to add the $skinr variable and all the template files you plan to use yourself.

Adding the $skinr variable

The $skinr variable should be added to the first, or outer-most <div> in your theme's template files. The variable is the same no matter which type you are dealing with, but you may need to add template files to your theme. The variable is added by doing:

<?php print $skinr; ?>

NOTE: Depending on how your template files are structured, you may need to add a blank space before the variable so it doesn't conflict with other classes you might have:

<?php print ' '. $skinr; ?>

If you are using a theme that takes care of classes during preprocess, like Zen or Studio, you can add $vars['skinr'] there.

Template files needed in your theme

Here is a list of template files that are typically used and supported by Skinr. See the link for each if you need to create these from scratch in your theme. These links point to Drupal's default code for the template files. You'll be able to copy/paste that code or tpl file to your theme. Then you can add the $skinr variable and modify the code to suit your needs.

*Note: If you have other template files, i.e. node-blog.tpl.php make sure you print the $skinr variable in them, otherwise it wont work.*

Some very simple examples

skinr[rounded][title] = Rounded corners
skinr[rounded][description] = Add a 1em border radius for supported browsers.
skinr[rounded][options][1][label] = Rounded Corners
skinr[rounded][options][1][class] = rounded

In your CSS file, you might have:

.rounded {
    border-radius: 1em;
  -webkit-border-radius: 1em;
  -moz-border-radius: 1em;

Combining Classes

skinr[big][title] = Big Text
skinr[big][description] = Increased font size to 16px.
skinr[big][options][1][label] = Big Text
skinr[big][options][1][class] = big

skinr[bold][title] = Bold Text
skinr[bold][description] = Font weight is bold.
skinr[bold][options][2][label] = Bold Text
skinr[bold][options][2][class] = bold

In your CSS file, you might have:

.big {
  font-size: 16px;

.bold {
  font-weight: bold;


rjleigh’s picture

The entry for the panels feature reads
skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = panels_pane

should be:
skinr[skin_system_name][features][] = panels_panel

(at least that's what works).

ChrisBryant’s picture

I double checked with Jacine and she said it should be panels_pane and that it will also be changing to panels_region with the new panels 3.7 and updates to Skinr to support it. We'll update the docs when that change goes through.

stijndm’s picture

To avoid panels going in to legacy mode when defining styles from your theme's info file add the following line to the info file. Otherwise regions rendered through skinr will break.

api[panels][styles][version] = 2
ricenoodles’s picture

Is anyone able to get to It's been a few days now. It keeps timing out.

pachabhaiya’s picture not working for me too.


Chhabi Pachabhaiya

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